Search Results

All search results for . 7451-7460 of 19510 results.

Processes for the Analytics Team
...Once you have decided where the analytics team will reside within the ...

Elham Taghizadeh

Coronavirus in Numbers: The Story Data Tells Us

Egbe-Etu Etu

Piyal Sarkar

Roles and Responsibilities for the Analytics Team
...When identifying roles and responsibilities for your new analytics personnel, it...

INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Competition: Honorable Mention, Boğaziçi University
...Boazii UniversityTurkey...

INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition: Honorable Mention, Tilberg University
...Tilburg UniversityThe Netherlands...

Structuring an Analytics Project
...An important thing to consider when thinking about how organizations can get ...

INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition: Third Place, Özyeğin University
...zyein UniversityTurkey...