Best Student Research Paper Award Application Process

Submissions are requested for the INFORMS Financial Services Section (FSS) Best Student Paper Competition.

Student Paper Abstracts are due by May 31, 2015 to Jim Bander ([email protected]) and the complete papers are due by July 15, 2015.

For details, please see

1. The paper must represent original research conducted primarily by the student and not have been published elsewhere. (It is OK if the paper is under review for a conference/journal.)

2.  Some assistance by other individuals (such as the student's faculty advisor) is permitted, and the paper may be co-authored with them, as long as the student is the FIRST author. 

3. The paper should be at most 25 pages long, using Management Science style requirements. (Blind review requirements DO NOT apply.)

4. If your paper is selected among finalists, you will need to present your paper in the FSS Student Paper session at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.  This does NOT preclude you from presenting your paper in other sessions at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

2015 Award Committee Chair

Jim Bander
Analytics and Optimization Consultant
[email protected]