Search Results

All search results for . 10781-10790 of 19508 results.

2019 IAAA Finalist Verizon
...Using Advanced Analytics to Rationalize Tail Spend Suppliers at VerizonVerizon ...

Vendor List
...Simulation Software SurveyVendor List...

2019 IAAA Winner Duke, Harvard, U of Wisconsin, Mass General Hospital
...Transparent Machine Learning Models for Predicting Seizures in ICU Patients from...

2019 UPS George D. Smith Prize Winner University of Cincinnati
...The UPS George D. Smith Prize is created in the spirit of strengthening ties ...

Ange Lionel Toba

Innovative kidney matching process can improve success rates of kidney transplants

10th POMS-HK International Conference

Sara Shashaani

Machines know when someone’s about to attempt suicide. How should we use that information?

Study of Syrian War yields the creation of new predictive model for attrition dynamics in multilateral war
...Key Takeaway: Unless there is a player so strong it can guarantee a win ...