Search Results

All search results for . 10831-10840 of 19508 results.

Elliott Weiss

Queen's University Smith School of Business
...Portfolio Optimization for Principal2018 Fifth Place in INFORMS O.R. & ...

Branding Guide

Özyeğin University
...Portfolio Optimization2018 Honorable Mention in INFORMS O.R. & Analytics ...

It’s not you, it’s me: How customers break up with sellers
...Key Takeaway: Whether we as customers decide to call it quits overtly, or we ...

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
...GAN-MP Hybrid Heuristic Method for Non-Convex Portfolio Optimization2018 Third ...

How to keep computers our of landfills and recyclers out of prison

2017 INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition

Can an algorithm take the guesswork out of selecting and seeding teams for “March Madness?” A new study says, “Yes!”
...New selection process helps NCAA selection committee kick bias to the curb ...

2018 INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition