Search Results

All search results for . 10971-10980 of 20081 results.

INFORMS UPS Prize introduced at the 2011 INFORMS Franz Edelman Gala
...The UPS George D. Smith Prize is created in the spirit of strengthening ties ...

Supply Chain Risk Management: Developing a Research Agenda
...Recent supply chain disruptions have caused many company executives, ...

Data-Driven Decisions: The Role of Operations Research in Business Analytics
...Radhika Kulkarni, PhD, Vice President, Advanced Analytics R&D, SAS Institute...

Better Smarter Electricity Markets: Efficiently Capturing Wind, Rain and Fire
...Despite today's economic challenges, the time is now to make big investments in ...

How to Win with Analytics...vidi, vici
...Nathaniel Lin, PhD, Founder, Analytics Executive Network, and Adjunct Professor...

2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Gala
...2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for Acheivement in Operations Research...

2009 INFORMS Practice Conference Phoenix
...2009 Franz Edelman Competition Videos2009 Edelman Gala...

The Why and How of Applied Analytics at Best Buy's Consumer Insights Unit
...Scott Friesen, MBA, Sr. Director of Analytics for the Consumer Insights Unit, ...

Rethinking Risk Assessment and Management for Homeland Security and Defense
...The welfare of our society depends on effective assessment and management of ...

What Impact will Watson Have on the Use of Analytics in Business? An Overview of Deep Q&A Technology
...Christer Johnson, MBA, North American BAO Advanced Analytics Leader, IBM Global ...