Search Results

All search results for . 11021-11030 of 19507 results.

Andrew Schultz on AIIE, ORSA, and Cornell's ORIE

Increasing Bike Share Efficiency
...As urban populations continue to grow, as well as congestion and commuter ...

2018 IAAA Finalist: Analytics to Reduce Costs and Improve Quality in Wastewater Treatment
...Wastewater treatment is carried out in a complex set of steps, in which the ...


2018 IAAA Finalist: Automatic Train Identification
...Automatic Train Identification: Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Safety and...

Upson Hall, Cornell University

In the fight against human trafficking, industrial engineers can help

Increasing bike-share efficiency: Researchers from Cornell University recognized with INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize
...Awarded 2018 INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of ...

TutORial: Nature-Inspired Heuristics
...By Craig Tovey.Evolutionary Programming, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing...

ORMS-Tomorrow-Application Form 2018