Search Results

All search results for . 11051-11060 of 19507 results.

Amanda Andrei
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I became involved in the area of ...

Pricing and Product Design in a Data-Driven Economy
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...

Computational Disaster Management
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...

Healthcare Analytics
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting MinneapolisPlenaries and Keynotes...

Benefits of Systems Science for Policy Support
...2013 INFORMS Annual MeetingPlenaries and KeynotesPresented by Pavel Kabat, ...

Data-Driven Operations Research Analyses in the Public Sector
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...

Analytics Maturity Model
...An analytics maturity model can help organizations in business and government do...

Kayse Lee Maass
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?For as long as I can remember, I knew...

2013 INFORMS Franz Edelman Competition
...Top executives discuss the benefits of analytics and O.R. at the 2013 Edelman ...

Edelman Competition 2013 - Dell Interview
...Donna Warton, Vice President Global Operations Planning, Dell, discusses the ...