Search Results

All search results for . 11751-11760 of 19507 results.

Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Vaccine Immunogenicity
...The ability to better predict how different individuals will respond to ...

Philip Wolfe Interview
...Interview of Philip Wolfe at IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, ...

Alan Hoffman Interview
...Interview of Alan Hoffman at IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, ...

Providing Optimal IT Solutions
...IBM competes to win multi-million IT service contracts. These large contracts ...

TV Ads Prompt Multitasking Viewers to Visit and Buy Online
...One of the emerging fears of television advertisers is that distracted viewers...

2015 INFORMS Franz Edelman Gala
...2015 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research...

Harvard Business Review 2015
...The panel gathered industry leaders for a discussion on whats top of mind for...

2015 Franz Edelman Winner Syngenta

Aurélie Thiele
...How did you discover operations research?My first semester as a graduate student...

John Magee Video chapter 11, Case Studies in Inventory Control and Marketing Research