Search Results

All search results for . 11771-11780 of 19507 results.

Industry News
...Entries sought for AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization CompetitionAIMMS recently announced ...

Beyond Adoption: Does Meaningful Use of EHR Improve Quality of Care?
...Beyond Adoption: Does Meaningful Use of EHR Improve Quality of Care?The federal ...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe OR/MS analyst had decided to branch out...

Gurobi Optimization
...By Edward RothbergIt is often said that the more focused a company is on doing ...

Predictive Analytics for Chronic Care
...Predictive Analytics for Chronic Care: A Time-to-Event Modeling Framework using ...

An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy
...An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy: an Application to ...

General Motors
...By Jonathan H. Owen, CAP, David J. Vander Veen and Lerinda L. FrosIn todays ...

Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology Support
...Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology ...

End-to-End Analytics
...By Colin Kessinger and Heiko PieperEnd-to-End Analytics is a supply chain ...

Meaningful Healthcare Security
...Meaningful Healthcare Security: Does Meaningful-Use Attestation Improve ...