Search Results

All search results for . 16131-16140 of 20203 results.

Can Zhang

Georgia sees a rise in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations

Enabling On-time, Hour-level Delivery
...In recent years, Alibaba has pioneered an integrated online and offline retailer...

Consumers wait or pay more as businesses wrestle supply chain woes

O.R. Optimization Algorithms Drive Unmanned Warehouse Robots to Work pioneered same-day delivery as a standard service in Chinas B2C e-...

More Direct Flights, Improved Organ Donations

Reinforcement Learning Greatly Improves Production Efficiency in Large Manufacturing Plants
...Lenovo is a global leader in the consumer electronics industry and production of...

Joann de Zegher

Hau Lee

A measure of distance between time series: Dynamic Time Warping
...body table...