All search results for . 16151-16160 of 20112 results.
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Analytics Ethics
...Validation is the key to avoiding algorithmic disaster.By Joseph ByrumAbout as ...
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer
CIAT's data team reaches final stage of international agriculture data competition
China National Petroleum Corporation: Operations Research Models Enable Better Planning of Natural Gas Pipelines Resulting in Reduced Costs, Lowe...
...From 2010 to 2015, China���s annual natural gas consumption increased from 107 ...
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer
Re: Can Review Less Generate More Progress?
Europcar: Opticar- Forcasting, Simulation, and Optimization for Vehicle Rental
...The car rental industry is one of the most complex businesses from a revenue and...
2018 INFORMS Analytics Conference