Search Results

All search results for . 18921-18930 of 19483 results.

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Jack Borsting (1929-2016)
...Jack Borsting, an INFORMS Fellow and a former assistant secretary of defense ...

INFORMS News: People
...Richard Larson (left) receives the Lawrence R. Klein Award from Deborah Klein at...

INFORMS NEWs: In Memoriam - Charles D. Flagle (1919-2016)
...Charles D. Flagle, a pioneer in bringing operations research to bear on public ...

In Memoriam: Marius M. Solomon, 1955-2016
...Marius M. Solomon, a longtime professor at Northeastern University, an INFORMS ...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - András Prékopa (1929-2016)
...Dr. Andrs Prkopa, mathematician, operations researcher, member of the ...

INFORMS News: Scenes from Nashville 2016
...Clockwise, from right: The Nashville skyline provided a picturesque backdrop for...

...By Irv LustigSurvey: Analytics community weighs in on technology and industry ...

INFOMRS NEws: In Memoriam - Leo G. Kroon (1959-2016)
...Leo G. Kroon, a professor of quantitative logistics at Rotterdam School of ...

...Until recently, I saw no connection between myself and INFORM-ED because Im ...

Profiles of UPS Prize Finalists
...Editors note:Each year, INFORMS awards the UPS George D. Smith Prize to an ...