Search Results

All search results for . 18931-18940 of 19477 results.

Profiles of UPS Prize Finalists
...Editors note:Each year, INFORMS awards the UPS George D. Smith Prize to an ...

Analytics Education
...Panel discussion: Directors from four of the nations top university analytics...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe group of OR/MS analysts had reconvened...

Mandate for STEM Educators
...By Dursun Delen...

Position statement: Nicholas G. Hall
...It would be an honor to serve as president of INFORMS. The future of INFORMS is ...

Position statement: Robin Lougee
...I am deeply honored to be nominated for the position of INFORMS president. Along...

PRESIDENT'S DESK: 'Member-in-Chief Memo'
...Ed Kaplan...

In Memoriam: Howard Raiffa (Jan. 24, 1924-July 8, 2016)
...By Peter Horner...

OR Forum: Efficient Feed-In-Tariff PoliciesFor Renewable Energy Technologies
...IntroductionIn the January-February 2016 issue of Operations Research Saed ...

Shreya Gupta Image