All search results for . 2011-2020 of 20203 results.
QMS 1.1
...Quantitative Methods Software Version 1.1 (QMS) is a comprehensive collection of...
Decision Trees
...With flu season upon us, each of us has important decisions to make if and when ...
Airline Optimization
...Researchers at IBM have played a fundamental role in the development of the ...
Are O.R. and M.S. Synonymous?
...We use the phrase OR/MS so easily that we think of the two fields as the same, i...
When Three's Not a Crowd
...One of the most frustrating things about a negotiation is that each party has ...
President's Award Sets Record Straight
...In a political blunder he's still trying to live down, Vice President Al Gore ...
Remembrances of Rick
...Updated 2/29/08: Click here to go to a video of the memorial service. OR/MS ...
New Books
...Automation and Production Systems: Methodologies and Applications...
TutORials in Operations Research
...The newest INFORMS publication is the book series "TutORials in Operations ...