All search results for . 2051-2060 of 20203 results.
Proposed Modifications:
Phase 1
...As you may have seen from my February, April and June columns, we are upgrading ...
The Insider's Parable
...quot;Making four hearts, game and rubber. 620 points," the tall, quiet ...
International Resources in OR
...A few issues ago (October, 1999), I wrote how the Internet and the web have made...
Keep Doing Good with Good O.R.
...By the time most of you read this column, the 2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting in ...
Creating Some Buzz
...As an operations researcher/management scientist, you have probably been ...
Noah's 3DPP
...The three dimensional packing problem (3DPP) is a particularly complex problem ...
Optimization Earns Its Wings
...While the successful application of optimization methods in solving parts of the...
What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate
...Communication styles. This is exactly the kind of thing that most OR people tend...
Adventures in Consulting
...All winter I had been longing anxiously for both the weather and the time for a ...
Decision Analysis:
Find a Tool that Fits
...OR/MS Today has been tracking the decision analysis software industry for ...