Search Results

All search results for . 2631-2640 of 19484 results.

University of Cincinnati student team is top American team, and fourth overall in INFORMS Student Competition

Optimizing Delivery Routes
...The UPS On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation (ORION) is ...

Editor's Cut Scott Nestler
...Its an exciting time to be an analytics professional in the sports industry. ...

Mike Todd Interview
...Michael Todd (2015) Interview by Leslie Trotter, June 15, 2015, Ithaca, NY.This ...

2013 Wagner Prize Finalist - University of Bologna, HERA, OPTIT srl, & Viale Amendola 56/D
...SPRINT: Optimization of Staff Management for Desk Customer Relations Services at...

2015 Wagner Prize Winner - GA Tech & CDC
...Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Vaccine ImmunogenicityThe ability to ...

Thiago Serra
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I was a freshman and looking for ...

Harold Kuhn Interview
...Interview of Harold Kuhn at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, by Irv Lustig (...

Detecting Preclinical Cognitive Change
...The Clock Drawing Test a simple pencil and paper test has been used for ...

George Dantzig Interview
...Interview of George Dantzig at his home in Stanford, CA, by Irv Lustig (then ...