All search results for . 2641-2650 of 20203 results.
Next Generation Internet Asia Conference & Exhibition
...Creating New Businesses Through Telecommunications Convergence...
Operations Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme
...What is ORP3...
1st Annual INFORMS Revenue Management Section Conference
...The 1st Annual Conference of the INFORMS Revenue Management Section will be held...
Int'l Conference on Operations Research
...The conference will cover applications and theory of OR by a number of...
...The AMCIS-2001 conference has a number of mini-tracks that are relevant to OR/MS...
Int'l Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques (I-KOMAT'2002)
PDPTA 2001
28th Int'l Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2002)
Twelfth International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Applications
1st Int'l Conf on Optimization Methods and Software