Search Results

All search results for . 3141-3150 of 19485 results.

Tracy Opicka

"Critical' blood shortage comes down to weather, flu and supply chain

Ashesh Sinha

Three INFORMS journal articles recognized with 2017 Responsible Research in Management Award

Daniel Vanden Brink

Information Sharing, Advice Provision, or Delegation
...Customers (e.g., individuals or businesses) often seek their suppliers' ...

Robert Randall

INFORMS History and Traditions Interview with Shmuel Oren
...Shmuel Oren Interview by Ramteen Sioshani, October 23, 2017, Houston, TX.This ...

Super Bowl 2018 data

INFORMS History and Traditions Interview with Daniel Berg
...Daniel Berg, Interview by Dick Larson, October 23, 2017, Houston, TX.This video ...