Search Results

All search results for . 3171-3180 of 19485 results.

Douglas Smith

William Souillard-Mandar

Dana L. Penney


Powering and Networking Supply Chains with Technology and Intellectual Property
...Economies are at the forefront of a major innovation and transformation of ...

Kroger: Filling your cart with O.R.
...Changing the game at a 134-year-old retail company where innovation enjoys a ...

China National Petroleum Corporation: Operations Research Models Enable Better Planning of Natural Gas Pipelines Resulting in Reduced Costs, Lowe...
...From 2010 to 2015, Chinas annual natural gas consumption increased from 107 ...

Special INFORMS journal collection explores the origins of strategy science
...CATONSVILLE, MD, February 13, 2018 Where do great strategies come from? How ...

Europcar: Opticar- Forcasting, Simulation, and Optimization for Vehicle Rental
...The car rental industry is one of the most complex businesses from a revenue and...

Welcome to "Management Science Review Blog"
...The objective of this blog is to reach outside the INFORMS community to the ...