Search Results

All search results for . 7081-7090 of 19507 results.

INFORMS presents Penn State grad student with two awards at Annual Meeting

New research finds double-digit growth for firms that create own online communities
...CATONSVILLE, MD, April 28, 2015 - A new study published in Marketing Science ...

The Impact of Supplier Inventory Service Level on Retailer Demand
...Setting an appropriate inventory service level is critical and requires ...

Analytics Education
...Panel discussion: Directors from four of the nations top university analytics...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe group of OR/MS analysts had reconvened...

Does Quality Knowledge Spillover at Shared Suppliers? An Empirical Investigation
...Should you work with your suppliers if you want to improve their quality ...

It pays to go beyond the last word when advertising using Google AdWords
...Dont just bid on the last searched keyword that led to clicks or sales....

Brian Lunday

Vamsi Kanuri

August | Volume 43 | Number 4
...The following table of contents lists articles in the August 2016 edition of&...