All search results for . 7131-7140 of 20081 results.
The secret indicator of a bad CEO: His golf game
Aaron Burciaga
...Aaron Burciaga CAP is the Sr Director AI and Analytics at ECS Technology&...
Revolutionizing promotional pricing
INFORMS NEWS: Levis, Robinson receive Kimball Medals
...Kimball Medal winners Anne Robinson and Jack Levis with INFORMS President Robin ...
INFORMS NEWS: Conforti, Cornuéjols, Zambelli share Lanchester Prize
...Committee Chair David Shmoys (far left) and INFORMS President Robin Keller (far ...
INFORMS NEWS: Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
...Committee Chair Rob Shumsky (l) presents Saul Gass Expository Writing Award to ...
June | Volume 43 | Number 3
...The following table of contents lists articles in the June 2016 edition of ...
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Herbert E. Scarf (1930-2015)
...Distinguished economist Herbert E. Scarf, Professor Emeritus of Economics at ...
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgIn the weeks leading up to ...