Search Results

All search results for . 11431-11440 of 19507 results.

INFORMS History & Traditions Interview with Chuck McCallum
...Chuck McCallum (2016) Interview by Arjang Assad, November 14, 2016, Nashville, ...

Eradicating Disease
...The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the worlds ...

INFORMS History & Traditions, Stephen Pollock Interview
...Stephen Pollock (2016) Interview by Mark Daskin, November 14, 2016, Nashville, ...

INFORMS History & Traditions, Egon Balas Interview
...Egon Balas (2016) Interview by Irv Lustig, November 14, 2016, Nashville TN.This ...

Sheldon Ross OR History Interview
...Sheldon Ross (2015) Interview by Steven Lippman, December 17, 2015.This video ...

INFORMS Edelman Overview
...How do analytics and operations research impact the world...

...nbsp;The UPS On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation is ...

2016 Edelman Gala
...2016 Franz Edelman Awards Gala for INFORMS...

2016 INFORMS Award Recipient UPS
...INFORMS 2016 Edelman Awards...

Salah Elmaghraby interviewed by Shaler (Sandy) Stidham
...Salah Elmaghraby (2015) Interview by Shaler Stidham, October 9, 2015.This video ...