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February | Volume 44 | Number 1
...The following table of contents lists articles in the February 2017 edition of&...

Availability-aware Resource Provisioning, Pricing, and Allocation Adjustment in the Cloud
...Service Level Agreements (SLA) for cloud services entail multiple, interrelated ...

Do You Have a Room for Us in Your IT?
...Do You Have a Room for Us in Your IT? An Economic Analysis of Shared IT ...

Harrison Schramm, CAP
...What was your best INFORMS experience?Being the Five Minute Analyst in ...

Access Affordance of Mobile Technology in e-Commerce: Change of Purchase Time Dispersion
...This study examines the access affordance of mobile technologies by analyzing ...

The Value of Multi-dimensional Rating Systems: An Information Transfer View
...Online reviews and ratings help consumers learn more about a product. However, ...

The Order of Succession: Sequencing Fading Ads during an Online User Visit
...While the technology to sequence multiple ads in a single ad space during a user...

Sustainability of Healthcare Information Exchanges
...The authors study how HIE related value-added services affect sustainability of ...

Adaptive Learning Agents for Electric Vehicle Customer Decision Support
...Electric Vehicles (EVs) have already been one of main the discussion topics ...

The Future of Higher Education: The Impact of MOOCs on College Admissions
...The recent introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the ...