Search Results

All search results for . 11481-11490 of 19507 results.

Platform Competition and Compatibility Decisions: The Case of Apple’s iPad vs. Amazon’s Kindle
...Session 4A, Paper 2...

Smart Grid Demand Management using Gamification
...Is Altruism Overrated? Effects of Information Transparency and Social Value ...

Laura Albert
...What interest do you have outside of work that might surprise us?Ive blogged ...

Deal or No Deal?
...Deal or No Deal? The Role of Merchant Characteristics and Competition in the ...

Jack of All, Master of Some: The Interaction Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth on Innovation
...This study investigates how individuals knowledge structure affects their new...

Ryan J. O'Neil
...How often do people spell your last name with two ls?I was at the ACP ...

The Goldilocks Principle: Why Mid-Tier Brands Invest More in Social Media
...We model the strategic effects of social media investments that are both ...

The Impact of Integrating an Online Community with a Social Network Platform
...We assess how the integration of an online community with a social network ...

Improving Cascade Propagation in Adaptable Networks
...This paper presents the formal and computational analysis for designed ...

Collaborative Information Processing in Crisis Situations: A Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
...In 2010, Haiti was struck by the worst natural disaster in 200 years. The ...