Search Results

All search results for . 11821-11830 of 19507 results.

Jenkins, Gwilym M.

Harrison , J. Michael

Karreman, Herman F.

OR Forum: A Glimpse at An Operation Analyst’s World War II Work: ‘Report on the Combat Performance of the Remote Control Turrets of B-29 Aircraft'
...In the March-April 2015 issue of Operations Research we have chosen to highlight...

Innovative Education: Introducing Analytics to Adolescents
...Are you smart enough to teach O.R. to a third-grader? How business analytics can...

Maschler, Michael B.

Cherry, W. Peter

Innovative Education: Profiles of UPS Prize finalists
...Trio of programs recognized for effective, innovative preparation of O.R. grad ...

L. Robin Keller
...INFORMS President, 2015...

Grand Challenges
...Report outlines operations researchs potential role as catalyst for ...