Search Results

All search results for . 11841-11850 of 19507 results.

Managing Product and Process Design Teams for Successful New Product Development
...Toyota Motor Corp. has been making automobiles since the 1930s, and has amassed ...

INFORMS NEWS: In Memoriam - John F. Nash Jr. (1928-2015)
...This man is a genius.Professor Richard Duffin of the Carnegie Institute of ...

Combating Strategic Counterfeiters in Licit and Illicit Supply Chains
...Wide distribution of counterfeit goods is a big problem now and is only going to...

“What-If” Analysis for Complex Production Problems
...Companies are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to solve their ...

INFORMS NEWS: In Memoriam - Matthew Rosenshine (1932-2015)
...On June 11, 2015, we, INFORMS, and the OR/MS community lost a good friend and ...

Moshe Ben-Akiva

...Two University of Buffalo industrial engineering students Kyle Cunningham ...

The fierce debate about healthcare analytics and privacy

INFORMS journal study: Learning early about late flights
...CATONSVILLE, MD, June 25, 2015 - A new study published in the Articles in ...

INFORMS NEWS: WSC 2015 - Social and Behavioral Simulation
...By Charles M. MacalThe Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) has been the premier ...