All search results for . 16621-16630 of 20108 results.
How Continental Landed On Its Feet
...Anna White, director of Crew Technology at Continental Airlines, had never faced...
Security (Part II): Hello, iol_editor, darling
...I don't know about you, but since the April issue of OR/MS Today appeared, I ...
Web Services: A Grand Integration Theory
...A Grand Unification Theory, if it existed, would unify (i.e., explain in a ...
Letters to the Editor
...Call for Health Care Action...
Solving the MBA Teaching Riddle
...The second of an occasional series aimed at making management science the best ...
Probability, Stats and 'Playing Games'
...I vividly remember the first time I was exposed to the central limit theorem. ...
Modeling Modern Multimedia Traffic
...Network routing, a critical element of network management, consists of the ...
Managing Risk, Reaping Rewards
...Thales, the philosopher from the island of Milos, once used his knowledge of ...
Methods of Multivariate Statistics
...Multivariate statistical methods provide a powerful tool for analyzing data when...
Countering Terrorism: The Clash of Values
...Is your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness important? Of course...