All search results for . 16671-16680 of 20108 results.
Altitude Manpower Planning
...Manpower planning is a fundamental process of an airline's operations. Montreal-...
Quality of Journals Difficult to Measure
...To the Editor: I was interested to read ManMohan Sodhi's article in the April ...
Joint MIT/INFORMS Symposium: Sunday, April 25
...1-1:45 p.m. �� "When OR is AND," Thomas L. Magnanti, dean of MIT ...
Business Process Excellence and OR
...While OR and business process excellence may not be closely related on the first...
Reversing Tradition
The Anthropologist's Parable
...The crowd roared as the home team's center fielder lined a double to left center...
Practice What We Preach
...Many INFORMS members either work for or consult for firms or governmental ...
Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 1: Why is it
Important? Why is it Hard?
...Given my campaign statement when I ran for INFORMS president-elect, it should ...
Decision-Support Systems Development: An Essential Part of OR Education
...Equipped with the modeling and algorithmic skills taught in the standard OR ...
Democracy in Operation: Voting, Technology and OR
...In his lecture to the First International Conference on Operational Research, ...