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O.R./Analytics at Work Blog

Franz Edelman Laureates: Class of 1989
...FIRST PLACE Team...

Educational Videotapes for Teachers
...INFORMS has videos that introduce the concepts of operations research to high ...

Events for Instructors
...The 2006 INFORMS Teaching of Management Science Workshop was held on July 13-16...

Elected Fellows
...Click here for an alphabetical listing.Listed by Year of Election...

Authors of Obesity/Gas Consumption Study to Speak at Pittsburgh Meeting of Operations Researchers
...Operations researchers Sheldon Jacobson of the University of Illinois and Laura ...

Former Treasury Secretary O’Neill Will Urge Scientists at Pittsburgh Meeting to Speed Social Change
...Productivity is rising at a rapid pace in the U.S. economy. The combination of ...

Pioneer in Operations Research Awarded 2007 Stockholm Prize in Criminology
...PITTSBURGH, December 13, 2006--Alfred Blumstein, a professor at Carnegie Mellon ...

Stores: Don’t Lock Horns with Internet Retailers, Says Study Appearing in November Management Insights
...Management Insights, a new monthly feature of the journal, is a digest of ...

George Nicholson Student Paper Competition - Application Process
...The George Nicholson Committee competition is held each year to identify and ...