Search Results

All search results for . 3211-3220 of 19485 results.

Combinatorial Exchanges for Trading Fishery Access Rights
...Overfishing is a prime environmental concern. Catch share systems have recently ...

Issues in Education
...By Vijay MehrotraIn my recent MBA elective course on data mining, I assigned my ...

...Awash in data and opportunities: Why data professionals must move up the ...

Primal-Dual Algorithms for Order Fulfillment at Urban Outfitters, Inc.
...We formulate the omni-channel fulfillment problem as an online ...

Analytics Ethics
...Validation is the key to avoiding algorithmic disaster.By Joseph ByrumAbout as ...

What’s Wrong with My Dishwasher: Advanced Analytics Improve the Diagnostic Process for Miele Technicians
...Miele, a leading appliance manufacturer, is looking to optimize the ways in ...

Page 13
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 13...

Demand-Based Payout Ratio for Coordinating Supply and Demand on an On-Demand Ride Sharing Platform
...For ride-sharing services like Uber, or Didi in China, getting the right number ...

Healthcare: Measuring medical policy changes with O.R.
...By Sumana Reddy and Harrison SchrammHow can advanced statistical methods be made...

The rise of self-service analytics
...By Paul BrunetWith the rise of big data and the processes and tools related ...