Search Results

All search results for . 5941-5950 of 19507 results.

O.R. Soars at Boeing
...Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of ...

Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International
...Electronic submissions (email attachments in MsWord) of research papers (...

The Imposter Syndrome
...I can't remember how I felt on the day of my college graduation but I do ...

Selling Operations Research: An Historical Perspective
...As an historian of science, I am currently researching the early history of O.R...

Mass Customization
...You can get a Ford in "any color you want, as long as it's black." ...

Catalyst for Change: Diversity and Discomfort
...I recently moved from San Francisco to Oakland (some of you may know that ...

American Society for Engineering Education ASEE Spring 2009 Northeast Conference

By Cliff Welborn
...Over the past year, I've heard my undergraduate engineering students even the...

Decision Analysis: Aiding Insight VII
...This is the seventh survey of decision analysis software conducted by OR/MS ...

Why the U.S. healthcare system is so sick ... and what O.R. can do to cure it
...Americans spend more than $2 trillion a year on healthcare, half of it is wasted...