Search Results

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XIV Escuela Latinoamericana de Verano de Investigacion de Operaciones (ELAVIO 2009)

O.R.'s Role in 'The Box'
...To the Editor: I was pleased to see E. Andrew Boyd's essay in the August issue ...

Five-by-five poker
...Five-by-five poker is a solitaire poker variant in which a player arranges 25 ...

IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2009

The Dance of the Fruit Flies
...The group was finishing lunch and preparing to go back to the afternoon sessions...

Eyes on Opportunities
...With all he's got going on, why would Don Kleinmuntz co-founder of Strata ...

Reflections on Sept. 11
...Sept. 11, 2006, 6:30 p.m., Gate C21, Logan Airport, Boston, Mass., waiting for ...

International Multiconferenc on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT 2009)

The 8th Annual Security Conference Discourses in Security, Assurance and Privacy

Supply Chain Interoperability
...Interoperability is the ability of products, systems or business processes to ...