Search Results

All search results for . 5951-5960 of 19507 results.

Michael H. Rothkopf Memorial Conference
...You are cordially invited to the Memorial Conference to honor the life and work ...

Air Force Salutes Project SCOOP
...In June 1947, a month before the National Security Act created the U.S. Air ...

Preparing for the Future
...INFORMS Online (IoL) received plenty of attention at the recent INFORMS ...

12th International Conference on Stochastic Programming
...The Committee on Stochastic Programming is an organ of the Mathematical ...

Avoiding Project Headaches
...Ah, projects. The mere mention of them gives me a headache. Projects are an ...

So Many Issues, So Little Time
...As I return to work following an amazingly successful INFORMS annual meeting in ...

...Statistical Analysis and Data Mining of Business Processes...

...Modelling Methodology...

E-Pubs and E-TOCs
...INFORMS is continuously improving its PubsOnLine electronic publication service ...

Doing Good with Good O.R.
...If it's true, as Andy Warhol famously once said, that everyone gets their 15 ...