Search Results

All search results for . 6431-6440 of 19507 results.

Expository Writing Committee Agrees: Little Has a Way With Words
...Robert Fourer used John D.C. Little's own words in explaining how the INFORMS ...

Why CEOs Should Care About Revenue Management
...Businesses worldwide are under tremendous pressure to maximize revenues from ...

The Network is the Risk
...Recall Sun Microsystem's advertisement about the "Network is the Computer.&...

On the Move: The Mobile Internet

Maritime Transport Optimization: An Ocean of Opportunities
...Today's globalization would be impossible without modern, cost-effective ...

Real Options is the Real Deal
...Since my first exposure, I have always been inspired by the use of Real Options ...

Customer (Dis)Service Leads to Loyalty
...As usual, I have put off my preparation for spring semester until it is (almost...

Solving the MBA Teaching Riddle
...The second of an occasional series aimed at making management science the best ...

The Secret of Prejudice
...quot;Now you've done it," one of the friends gathered on a backyard sundeck...

A Long Way from Flip Charts
...All elections are historic, but this one was a doozy! The nomination and ...