Search Results

All search results for . 6491-6500 of 19507 results.

The Psychiatrists' Parable
...The cocktail party was progressing pleasantly. It was in the late 1980s, and the...


Simulation Reloaded
...The blockbuster movie "The Matrix" and its recent sequel "The ...

Inside the Edelman Competition
...The annual INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, first held in 1972, aims to ...

Prices, Probabilities and Predictions
...The second half of the 20th century was devoted to debating the relative merits ...

...The Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing (CAMM) at Queen's ...

Getting Ready for RFID
...Scene from the movie "Mission Impossible" (1996): The federal agent in...

Nitin Bakshi

Revenue Management for MBAs
...Revenue management (RM) is a leading-edge business practice that belongs in ...

Overcoming Conference Angst
...Just came back from a conference at the University of Pennsylvania. Very nice ...