Search Results

All search results for . 6451-6460 of 19507 results.

The Emperor's New Software
...The OR/MS analyst's wife was obviously upset. "What's the matter, Sue?&quot...

Optimizing Internet Networks
...In the last few years, the use of Internet has literally exploded in Europe as ...

Preaching What He Practices
...As this historic year for INFORMS comes to a close, many within the OR/MS ...

The Art of Project Management
...About a year ago, I bought a charming old house. The place has lots of character...

Education and INFORMS' Mission
...Facilitating ORMS education is an important part of INFORMS' stated mission. The...

New Customer Services
...The INFORMS staff and volunteers provide two main types of services to the ...

Linear Programming
...Linear programming represents one of the major applications of mathematics to ...

The Problem with Supply Chain Software
...A recent article by Eric Hellweg titled "Is supply-chain software the next ...

Frame, Formulate and Solve
...Operations research. It's a wonderful subject to teach, to do, to research. It ...

Marvelous Mary's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst was frightened and shaken. The phone call had come an hour ...