Search Results

All search results for . 6691-6700 of 19507 results.

INFORMS Combined Colloquia 2015
...The 2015 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held Oct. 29-30, the Friday and ...

Muller-Merbach, Heiner

Edelman Award: Syngenta earns 2015 INFORMS Edelman Award
...Agribusiness sows the seeds of success with operations research and analytics.By...

INFORMS: All INFORMS journals recognized, rated
...INFORMS publishes 13 journals, and all of them are recognized and rated in the ...

Capacity Investment in Renewable Energy Technology with Supply Intermittency: Data Granularity Matters!
...So your company has decided to invest in renewal energy technology to supplement...

INFORMS Prize: Chevron wins INFORMS Prize for analytics excellence
...Bill Klimack (center, holding trophy), manager of decision analysis consulting ...

INFORMS - Call for nominations: Editors
...Marketing Science: The deadline for nominations for the editor in chief of ...

Schrage, Linus

INFORMS - Call for nominations: INFORMS prizes & awards
...John von Neumann Theory PrizeThe John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded ...

Murty, Katta G.