Search Results

All search results for . 6711-6720 of 19507 results.

Reliable Facility Location Design Under Uncertain Correlated Disruptions
...In the past decades, supply chain disruptions have caused significant losses to ...

INFORMS NEWS: Philadelphia set to host 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
...By Tams Terlaky...

...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015) will be...

INFORMS NEWS: Data Mining and Analytics Workshop
...The Data Mining and Analytics (DM&A) Workshop of INFORMS will be held Oct. ...

Sales Force Behavior, Pricing Information, and Pricing Decisions
...In business-to-business transactions, pricing decision making continues to be ...

INFORMS NEWS: Student Analytical Scholar Award
...Radhika Kulkarni (left) presents Student Analytical Scholar Award to Jodie Lam...

Magee, John F.

INFORMS NEWS: UBC program wins UPS Prize
...Harish Krishnan (fifth from right), director of UBCs Business Schools ...

...In 1970, I visited some friends in Santa Barbara, Calif., who at the time were ...

INFORMS NEWS: Innovative Applications in Analytics Award
...Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Committee members and officers of the...