Search Results

All search results for . 6701-6710 of 19507 results.

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comOnce again the OR/MS analyst consulted his ...

Stephen M. Robinson
...Stephen M. Robinson was the 20th President of INFORMS.  During his term as ...

Innovative Education: Probability as a reality show
...Teaching probability and statistics: a world class.By Arnold Barnett...

Sobel, Matthew J.

MOPGP 2015
...The International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal ...

Military Exercises: Wargamers explore ‘forbidden options’
...By Douglas A. Samuelson and Russell R. Vane III...

Avriel, Mordecai

Rothkopf, Michael H.

In Memoriam: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey (1936-2015)
...A pillar of the profession and a relentless advocate for practical applications...

INFORMS 2015 Healthcare Conference highlights growing importance of analytics in healthcare
...Sixth grader with diabetes experiment joins PhDs at poster sessionNASHVILLE, ...