Search Results

All search results for . 19011-19020 of 19469 results.

INFORMS NEWS: 2012 INFORMS Subdivision Awards
...The following INFORMS awards were presented by the respective subdivisions, ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & O.R.
...Nicole Piasecki, vice president of business development and strategic ...

Analytics Section eNews
...Membership in Analytics Section of INFORMS continues to grow New officers ...

Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms International Conference and Summer School
...The goal of the NUMTA2013 Conference is to create a multidisciplinary round ...

INFORMS News: 2013 INFORMS election results
...The following individuals were elected to serve on the INFORMS Board of ...

Membership in Analytics Section of INFORMS continues to grow
...Membership in the Analytics Section of INFORMS grew to more than 900 members as ...

INFORMS NEWS: U.S. Coast Guard, USC win Wagner Prize
...The U.S. Coast Guard and its research partner, the University of Southern ...

New officers ready to lead Analytics Section of INFORMS
...Zahir Balaporia heads a new slate of officers that will lead the fast-growing ...

INFORMS NEWS: Roundtable focuses on ‘healthcare analytics’
...By Shailendra JainThe 2012 Roundtable fall meeting was held at the Hyatt Regency...

INFORMS News: Weintraub receives President’s Award
...Andres Weintraub, a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the...