Search Results

All search results for . 19061-19070 of 19469 results.

Edelman 2013 Announcement
...SAN ANTONIO, TX, January 17, 2013 The Institute for Operations Research and ...

Gartner Business Intelligence & Analytics Summit 2013
...Traditional forms of business data have been eclipsed by the massive variety, ...

...Topics of Interest...

The 6th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society

CENet 2013
...Call For PaperInternational Conference on Computer Engineering and Network ...

...NUMTA2013 TOPICS:   - Approximation - Bifurcation and stability of ...

International O.R.: NPS grads have worldwide impact
...By Amanda D. Stein...

INFORMS NEWS: Call for nominations
...John von Neumann Theory PrizeThe John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded ...

Call for Papers: IFORS Prize for O.R. in Development
...IFORS Prize for O.R. in Development will be awarded during the 20th Triennial ...

Industry News: Gurobi Optimization introduces client-server capabilities
...The new Gurobi Optimizer version 5.5 adds client-server capabilities to its ...