Search Results

All search results for . 19001-19010 of 19469 results.

Implicit sentiment mining
...By Maksim Tsvetovat, Jacqueline Kazil and Alex KouznetsovSentiment analysis is a...

Analytics, O.R. & the future of healthcare
...By Peter Horner and Atanu BasuHealthcare was a hot topic during the 2012 U.S. ...

Wendy Swenson Roth

Stein-Erik Fleten

Qihang Lin

Integrating data mining and forecasting
...By Tim Rey and Chip WellsBig data means different things to different people. In...

Sandun C. Perera

Stanley Tse

Ambassador of Analytics
...By Peter Horner...

2014 INFORMS Analytics Conference
...THE Premier Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research...