Search Results

All search results for . 19021-19030 of 19469 results.

Kathryn Moretti

2013 INFORMS Nominations Committee
...The 2013 INFORMS Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the positions ...

INFORMS NEWS: In Memoriam - Arthur 'Pete' Veinott Jr. (1934-2012)
...By Andrew Myers...

INFORMS News: Rogers earns INFORMS Prize for Teaching of OR/MS Practice
...The 2012 INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice was presented to ...

INOFRMS NEWS: WSC: call for papers
...The 2013 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2013) will be held Dec. 8-11 in ...

Franz Edelman Laureates: Class of 2013
...FIRST PLACE Team...

Statistical Software Survey
...By James J. Swain...

INFORMS News: Albin, Kleinmuntz receive Kimball Medals
...Susan Albin and Don Kleinmuntz, both former presidents of INFORMS and long-time ...

Industry News
...Frontline offers Excel users total solution for analyticsFrontline Systems...

INFORMS News: Nemhauser, Wolsey earn von Neumann Theory Prize
...The 2012 John von Neumann Theory Prize of INFORMS was awarded to George ...