Search Results

All search results for . 19081-19090 of 19399 results.

Passion and Fun in the Classroom!
...When I started my term as editor of the "Issues in Education" column, ...

Your Next Teaching Vehicle may be a Hybrid
...Among the many challenges faced by educators in our field is shrinking real ...

Napoleon's Parable
...The junior O.R. analyst was troubled and frustrated. "I just don't see why ...

Representing Uncertainty in Decision Support

The Karate Instructor's Parable
...The shouts and laughter of the group of nine- and 10-year-old boys had faded, as...

Defining Success
...Anyone who teaches must ask periodically what it means for a student to succeed ...

A Pointer on Points
...Residential mortgages today are offered to homeowners in a large variety of ...

Systat 11

Getting the Word Out
...A little while ago, I received an e-mail from a friend of mine who is editor-in-...

Practice Makes Near Perfect Conference
...I've just returned from the INFORMS Practice Conference in Vancouver. I've ...