Search Results

All search results for . 6011-6020 of 19507 results.

...Association of Operational Research Societies in Asia Pacific Rregion is ...

The Mechanic's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst fidgeted as he looked over the bill for repairs to his car. ...

Profession Faces Tough Questions
...I recently attended the 40th anniversary celebration of the Institute for ...

Teaching Novices to Model
...Professor Joel Sokol's "Issues in Education" column, "Teaching O....

OR at IBM's Core
...Nick Donofrio, senior vice president of Technology and Manufacturing for IBM, ...

...The other day someone said that operations refer essentially to manufacturing. ...

Validation That We're Not Crazy
...quot;Just remember that ideas last longer than people or things. Your ideas will...

Bridging the Gap
...From its inception, operations research/management science (O.R.) has derived ...

New Frontiers in Simulation
...We use simulation to realize our imagination in a specific and detailed way ...

Getting Ready for the Real World
...Operations research/management science (O.R.) students graduating from master's ...