Search Results

All search results for . 6031-6040 of 19507 results.

Beef Up O.R.'s Web Presence
...Congratulations, Time magazine has named you Person of the Year. Actually, they'...

Help Wanted: Wise Advice for Venice and I
...quot;A conversation with a wise man is worth two months study in books.&quot...

Salt Lake City: Undiscovered Secret
...The INFORMS Spring 2000 meeting will be held May 7-10 in Salt Lake City in the ...

Psychiatrist Prescribes O.R.
...As the resident-in-charge of the Psychopharmacology Clinic at the University of ...

Decision Analysis: Find a Tool that Fits
...OR/MS Today has been tracking the decision analysis software industry for ...

O.R. and Physics
...Like most lay people, I admire physicists and am fascinated by their studies of ...

Criterium Decision Plus 3.0
...InfoHarvest Inc.'s ( latest version of Criterium Decision ...

Navigating Troubled Waters
...The Turkish Straits, which consist of the Strait of Istanbul and anakkale and ...

Smart Ops for the 21st Century
...Operations research has repeatedly demonstrated its versatility to make ...

TEC II to Build on Predecessor's Success
...quot;This is the best colloquium I've attended with INFORMS.&quot...