Search Results

All search results for . 6021-6030 of 19507 results.

Terror Strikes O.R. Community
...The real world came crashing down on the operations research community in the ...

The State of Operations Research
...The introduction of a new editorial board is a unique opportunity to evaluate ...

COIN-OR in 2008
...COIN-OR) is the premier Web site devoted to open-source software for the ...

Executive Education Opportunities in Management Science
...In many business schools, management science education has thrived in recent ...

The Best of Times
...Ron Rardin, chairman of the Industrial Engineering Faculty Search Committee at ...

Proposed Modifications: Phase 1
...As you may have seen from my February, April and June columns, we are upgrading ...

The 15th Triennial IFORS Conference in Beijing
...The 15th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational ...

The Insider's Parable
...quot;Making four hearts, game and rubber. 620 points," the tall, quiet ...

Where Do We Go From Here?
...I am the new INFORMS Online (IoL) editor in chief following two terms by Matthew...

The Right Stuff
...There are many areas in the space program where operations research and ...