Search Results

All search results for . 16431-16440 of 19484 results.

New Model for Military Operations
...Business leaders in America have long known that being able to adapt to changing...

INFORMS Military Applications Society Conference
...INFORMS MAS is delighted to be offering a new symposium for practitioners and ...

Tossing Beanbags
...Management science instructors often use techniques and games to translate ...

Nobel Prize Winner Markowitz Recommends Economic Solutions at INFORMS Annual Meeting
...SAN DIEGO, CA, October 1, 2009 University of California San Diego Adjunct ...

The Chicken Cannon
...The barbershop was crowded, but the O.R. analyst and the old fellow in the ...

INFORMS Western Regional Conference

The Harbor Pilot's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst and his wife had been on vacation only a few days, but already...

ESREL 2009 Annual Conference

Weddings & Workflow
...A few short weeks from my wedding day. The closer we get, the more "real&...

VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2009)