Search Results

All search results for . 16471-16480 of 19484 results.

A Passion for Positive Global Impact
...Georgia Tech ISyE professors Ozlem Ergun, Pinar Keskinocak and Julie Swann have ...

7th International Conference on Information Science Technology and Management (CISTM 2009)

E-Pubs and E-TOCs
...INFORMS is continuously improving its PubsOnLine electronic publication service ...

The Ex-Marine's Parable
...quot;If only management would listen to reason," the OR/MS analyst griped ...

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International 2010 Buenos Aires
...We invite members of ALIO, INFORMS and the worldwide OR/MS community to join us ...

8th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society
...The conference is devoted to issues of decision support in applications to...

The Right Not to Wait
...A group of O.R. analysts has developed a promising solution to the problem of ...

Second International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence
...Second International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence...

An Ominous Buzz
...Add one more threat to civilization as we know it, besides terrorism, emerging ...

Excerpts from 'The Numerati'
...From the introduction...