Search Results

All search results for . 16461-16470 of 19484 results.

...Modelling Methodology...

4th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security
...Information warfare and computer security are at the forefront of modern defence...

COIN-OR Pays Off
...Computational O.R. researchers have long lacked a centralized, peer-reviewed ...

CETL-MSOR Conference 2009
...On the 7th and 8th September 2009, the Maths, Stats & OR Network will be ...

What about the "O" in O.R.?
...Remember when "operations research" was about researching operations? ...

Avoiding Project Headaches
...Ah, projects. The mere mention of them gives me a headache. Projects are an ...

6th International Conference on Computational Management Science
...The CMS conference is an annual meeting associated with the journal of...

Humanitarian Relief Logistics
...Humanitarian relief is perhaps the most challenging supply chain and logistics ...

10th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises

Remarkable Recovery Effort
...The e-mails started arriving in Jim Cochran's in-box at virtually the same time ...